Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Jølstraholmen Camping AS
Boende Hotell, B&B, lägenhet, camping Camping

Jølstraholmen Camping AS

Looking for accommodation Jølster? Jølstraholmen Camping & Hytter is beautifully situated by the fishing river Jølstra, 18 km north of Førde and 2 km south of Vassenden in Jølster. The campingsite has 15 cabins (hytter), all with high standard and some of them delux style. We can offer delux cabins in the skiing resort also, 60 camping spaces with electricity, of which 50 have water and sewer connections and cable TV.

In adition to camping and cabins, we can offer 4 apartments situated in the service building. The campsite has a nice playground for the kids with two big trampolines. The campsite also has a waterslide where the entrance is included in the accomendation price.