Kumlingen kirkko - S:ta Anna
Kumlingen kirkko - S:ta Anna
See & Do See & do Churches

Kumlinge church - S:ta Anna

Kumlinge church was also erected in gray granite. Its south tower is crowned by a onion shaped spire in Baroque style. The interior of the church is historically very valuable, covered as it is with whole covering wall paintings from the late 15th century without parallels. The walls are filled with narratives from the childhood and the passion of Christ, whereas angels, female saints and intertwining foliage fill the vaults.
A rare Mary-shrine, probably southern Scandinavian from around 1250, is placed on the high altar. The original Mary from the corpus has been exchanged for another Madonna with Jesus child some time in the 15th century. The wings are carved in high class reliefs in gentle Early Gothic style, again they depict the life of Mary and the childhood of Christ.