Kökarin kirkko - S:ta Anna
Kökarin kirkko - S:ta Anna
Kökarin kirkko - S:ta Anna
See & Do See & do Churches

Kökar church - S:ta Anna

Kökar church was erected in 1784 on the ruins of the medieval monastic church, which seems to have been shaped like a normal Åland parish church, probably from the 14th century. The church is also located along the Danish Itinerary, the so-called Valdemar-route.
The best known artifact of the church is the bowl of a font of Gotland limestone from the 13th century style, which belonged to the medieval church. Above all, Kökar is well known as the location of one of the Finnish medieval Franciscan Convents. It is not mentioned in the written sources until the 15th century. You can still visit the ruins of one of the monastic buildings, which today houses an exhibition of the archaeological artifacts and the history of the site.