Jåsholm 3 km – lehtipuita ja lintuja
Jåsholm 3 km – lehtipuita ja lintuja
Jåsholm 3 km – lehtipuita ja lintuja
See & Do Activities Hiking

Jåsholm 3 km – deciduous trees and bird life

The trail runs in characteristic archipelago nature with barren rocks and smaller forest areas. Apart from pine trees there are several different deciduous trees such as birch, ash, maple and aspen.

Bird life is rich with nesting and migratory birds. Larger birds include white-tailed eagle, gray goose, song and mute swans. There are also different kinds of gulls and seabirds such as common merganger, great crested grebe, teal and northern shoveler. Among smaller birds, there are different species of singing birds and finches. Also the fairly rare white-backed woodpecker nests here.

Elk, deer, white-tailed deer and fox are also found on the island. Along the trail there are good picnic spots. In summertime, there are grazing animals on the island.

Enjoy nature! Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footsteps.

Length: 3 km
Location: Brändö
Terrain: Medium, varied surface with cliffs, deciduous forests and seaside meadows. NB! Rocks can be slippery when wet.
Signposts: White-topped poles.

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