Directions: Blåkulla, Björkudden 6, 22710 Föglö. Caroline tel +358 40 7625375. Andreas tel +358 40 7158200
From Degerby - follow the mainroad ca. 6km. After the footballground you drive over a bridge and drive straight forward to an exit, turn right, drive about 60 m and you find the cottage Blåkulla.
From Överö - follow the mainroad to the small ferry and continue to the intersection, turn right and when you see the fire brigade tyou will find the cottage Blåkulla on left hand side.
Blåkulla, Björkudden 6, 22710 Föglö. Caroline tel +358 40 7625375. Andreas tel +358 40 7158200
From Degerby - follow the mainroad ca. 6km. After the footballground you drive over a bridge and drive straight forward to an exit, turn right, drive about 60 m and you find the cottage Blåkulla.
From Överö - follow the mainroad to the small ferry and continue to the intersection, turn right and when you see the fire brigade tyou will find the cottage Blåkulla on left hand side.